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The Picture Book

A reference guide to the bigger picture
The Life Source

The life source sourcing self the knowledge of the unique living higher emotional self.


Truth and its emotional response is birthed by the feminine element of the life source, for the masculine elements of intellect and logic to conclude in the same  emotional truth, but with a greater understanding. In which is needed the emotional wisdoms of our truth- to comprehend the logic found, that concludes the emotional knowing and its emotional completeness. Allowing the self to remain in the inner peace of this spiritual fullness, when a person is emotionally completed through the skillful management of the emotional self.

 But intellectual wisdom, from which aspirations is rebirthed from, is first the life that is first birthed in self- in the knowing of truth, and the knowing of self, as the result. Because the life source ‘’truth is to us’’ first describes self to self, and then describes others to self through the wisdom of empathy, where two people become one through an emotional understanding of self. Our rebirthing ability is our own feminine element and ‘’our own Eve’’ who we still have to earn a name for that person. The Christ consciousness is our intellectual wisdom that finds the concluding logic that completes the emotional self and enables then the need meeting sense of spiritual fullness, that meets emotional needs. It means to sit in a silence, in an awareness of the emotional impact from the experience, but not yet an understanding. The understanding is found through our intellectual wisdom that eventually finds the light in the cognitive logic, finding then the understanding of the emotional truth. Knowing then, a greater understanding of self, to add to the living knowledge base self accumulates through its physical life span, blinded and knowledgeless -all human beings must learn the hard way ‘’this way’’.

In the seed {a stolen seed taken to make us –its own breed of human being in opposite spiritual nature than the ones that come from the incomplete god- who was born incomplete/separated in heaven}

In the seed is the thought and thought process that allows self to know truth and understand it to analyze it in hearts thought process when after new experience.

1-first thought-the first thought of knowing a truth in awareness.

2-forethought- freethinking is the ability to imagine the possibilities of the first thought in which we fin in our intellectual thought process.

3-afterthought-wisdoms birthing of the new knowing when after self in hearts thought, in silence, communicates with silence and silent voice speaks back to the persons own wisdom.

4-The remembrance of afterthought

5-The Christ consciousness, the intellectual wisdom of self, communicates with this consciousness and rebirths life from the life first birthed within in knowing and emotionally feeling the knowing of truth. Jesus said to fall to your face when you see one not born of a woman. The one born of the female is the new knowing of a truth, and wisdom then births the afterthought. The afterthought is birthed by the feminine element of emotional wisdom. But first is the knowledge of truth and its emotional impact in new experience is birthed within, in order to extrapolate hearts thought from. Who then the feminine element of the self can take this knowing and rebirth life from the life birthed within, and complete the Devine trinity in female form, internal in self. For the triple male to raise that child/hearts thought of self, and masculinize the feminine element before acting on its knowing. First intellectual logic concludes wisdom of the emotional self and its truth. Who then the masculine element of the self, the human will of self will take the knowing of truth and its wisdom and with an intent formed impregnates its own feminine element with the intent made.

6-Silent counsel is hope.

Silent voice fuels understanding and all of this and is the feminine element of the Omni present god and his logic is our light and his son’s elements of intellectual wisdom are the same elements given to his grandson as he did his son, everyone’s father and mother god -since these two provide the ability to think and to rebirth thought into heart felt love and respect for self and each other.

7- Is self expression of the inner most emotional truth of the living higher natural self of self expression of the life in truth found and glorified as life, not the god who enables it. You can glorify him if you want to because he wont reject you but he is a good guy and wants you to just love him instead of this bullshit worshiping thing no one in heaven likes. They do like and love however equality and fairness and the justice of fairness. Do you?

The Two Wisdoms

This is self in dark feminine element dominating the masculine elements in self becoming then femininely dominant without the masculinization of the feminine element of the self.

This is self in masculine and feminine element, who masculine self masculinizes the feminine element of self before self decides, builds its intent making and acts and projects the spirit of the wisdom chosen.}

The two wisdoms

Wisdom of the good {natural}

Each person has two wisdom's, but only one intellect-who both wisdoms want and needs her masculine intellect to  which each wisdom looks to calculate or ''spiritually copulate'' with the masculine element of intellect, to achieve the light in a logic that completes the knowing of the emotional truth of the self. Or, the dismantling of the emotional self translating then into the spiritual darkness that is infection to the god of truth-the god who allowed the seed. This is the symbolic description of the spiritual self who has masculinized its own feminine element, acting now as the balanced determined self.












The two brothers- who one will kill the

other{Cain and Able}

is one of these ''in each person''.



this is the symbolic description of the dark feminine element of the evil spirit influence who has hijacked our intellect with its own wisdom of the angry person, in which all other mistress wisdoms are introduced to the human will of the fearful self, through this first dark wisdom of the dark feminine element of the evil spirit influence, of its own emotional structure of the human self. The woman dominates the masculine elements of intellect contaminating logics light with the darkness of the emotional self through self rejection and self denial of the emotional impact from new experience, and what it truly means to self to have this knowledge of the emotional self. Acting its hearts thought in one of two ways…in the pleasing determined self, and the selfishly determined self. The balanced determined self is the goal for each human being because this cleanses the spirit of the spiritual darkness’s, formed by the emotional darkness’s we have. The self healing meditations will remove your pain and fear and its nagging, spiritual and emotionally crippling speech of the potential fear of loss, formed in image without the silence of movements birth, of that knowing and silent voice.


The other wisdom is known as ‘’the other woman’’ in your bibles because of the birthing element’’ inside itself but regenerating from its dark feminine element first the things of low self worth, emptiness and then self distraction and its instant gratification and then finally, its self destruction. Once in this place internally of emotional and spiritual emptiness, becoming programmed to self protection behavior, over the natural self expression of the inner most emotional truth of the living higher self. Becomes the mainframe EMOTIONAL program of operating the self through the living computer our bodies are. Which is called ‘’in the moment programming’’ from the dominating wisdom that speaks to our hearts thought process, of the self worth first, and then is translated through that level of self worth to be then expressed or to have anger possess the self, as if it were being possessed by a demon ore the devil. And it very much is operated and manipulated by the spiritual pedophile the evil spirit influence is to each one of us who must foirast dismantle self worth slowly as to not alert the child into this knowing, who evil must operate this way in order to condition the young child into its darkness state of the adult. It loves those who as evil as itself but it can’t get us all. So it patiently and willfully waits until the child cant determine anymore which voice is who’s, that is heard in thought of the heart of self. {the emotional state of self} at first the two voices are distinctive, but soon this evil begins then to speak in the child’s voice, making the child believe it is its own self destructive voice.

 But the other wisdom or, ‘’the angry persons wisdom’’ births nothing-it infects the natural spiritual birth of knowing, and ‘’knowing self’’ as the result. Anger is normal but left unresolved in todays world means to adapt to the spiritual mistresses wisdoms that provide knowing of consumption in some way behaviorally, through self protection and then sexually and then escapism through the physical stimulus quality of the world, and offers up the wisdom in achieving this hunger relief of its instant gratification of what ever physical element best does this job of distraction manipulation from the unresolved pain still lingering and keeps lingering until resolved and emotionally completed.

Contempt for emotional truth of the self- and hate for emotional truth of the self translates itself into a willingness to hurt others emotionally with ‘’one up man ship competition’’ with each other, which is emotional competition. But its dark emotional competition, living in the survival quality of living emotionally dark and hidden, instead of feeling free to self express and produce a quality of living through its depth in meaning. Our wisdom is the original the wisdom of the higher self each of us is born as -but is now infected with the evil spirit influence and its own dark feminine element that enables this emotional programming, that produces the second hearts thought process of the same emotional truth of the self. But it is one in opposite of what we are born as naturally, turning each of us in early childhood through the rejection model of being parented ‘’into the second wisdom’’. For which there is an evil spirit entity behind its influence who must first convince you he is your friend. In the new time, no one will want to have a baby without first educating themselves in personal development and the development of spiritual and emotional human beings, and the duality in spiritual influences our two wisdoms are. Parents will do this naturally and willfully because we all are in this together and it is up t us to raise this child.


Spiritual duality

When the wisdom of the good calculates with intellect, there becomes the cognitive understanding of the emotional truth of the self, in reaction to the experience. In which this ‘’self calculating spirit of knowing’’ is telling/speaking/communicating to the human being as a means of life, from knowing {communication with life source}…..of the emotional knowledge from the experience, for the human will of self to rebirth life, from the life birthed with in. The son of man {species} is the cognitive understanding and the daughter of man, is the ‘’infancy wisdoms knowing’’ of that cognitive understanding of the emotional truth of the higher self. So the son and daughter of man, is the end result in concluded cognitive understanding, of the emotional truth of the self. But then the second wisdom offers the knowing of the fearful lower self, operating itself ‘’from the early childhood emotional programming’’ of feeling rejected over acknowledged for self expression resulting in the ‘’golden’’ {for the evil spirit influence/spiritual pedophile} state of the childs hearts thought of its own level of self worth {the spiritual pedophile needs low sell worth in to be and feel invited}. In which then offers up its own second son and second daughter… except this is the lower ‘’form’’ of the higher self, in hearts thought of the self. Meaning one says you can do it, and the other says no you cant,  YOUR NOT WORTHY. In which only one will be dominant for a while, but neither will be killed off until one source of wisdoms knowing is chosen, and its spirit and spiritual nature is adapted to, from the choice ‘’with the intent made from the dominating wisdom’’.  And in early childhood, the dominating wisdom is the fearful and painful wisdom that says quickly ‘’say nothing’’ and withhold/lie about your emotional responses/feelings because look, it brings you pain {we hear this in the moment of the painful experience, to fear feeling it again throughout life, so we avoid it and pretend the lie is the truth. ‘’But’’ self programs self to react to the opposite wisdom in a way of self destruction and never knowing the self, or why it is prevented that self know self because this is the goal of evil. This second wisdom then offers up the wisdom of the cunning deceit manipulation techniques that will maintain the lie, of the emotional truth of the self- of the early child/self. The result of this is a complicated internal mess of self destructive ‘’hearts thought process’’ of first the self, and then feeling in the spiritual death of fear itself…’’herself’’ because ‘’she’’ {evil is dominated by its dark feminine element} births fear of the emotional truth of the living emotional self-who then we take this fear of self and apply it to  the potential dangers of feeling the spiritual traumas of rejections stem result behavior with others in the physical environment. On a path now of self inhalation inside the spiritual death in self operating NOW AS LOWER SELF,  AND LOWER SELF DOMINANCE over the living, natural, higher self of natural self expression. Until the days when in early childhood  this dark force of spiritual entity is invited into child’s hearts thought process and invades and infects our spiritual wisdom as part of the living life source, in each of us. With its dark feminine wisdom that has only one dark emotional response that reacts to ALL emotional responses, after it occurred in our hearts, to then consider and analyzed through its dark feminine element of ‘’fear, and fearing potential loss’’ as the result of the emotional response, who evil itself needs child to react to its own emotional structure as a natural human self ‘’through the fearing of its own emotional responses’’ {the one dark emotion of fear infects all emotional responses, and when we as children are too afraid to self express because of uneducated and careless parents, who they themselves had been infected this way spiritually, through the emotional responses we have naturally are simply transferring evil from themselves into the newly born child}. But infects all natural emotional responses of light from the life source- and then therefore ‘’from god’’.  {because we are made from the intelligent animal, meant to be without the life source, but couldn’t make a human being without the seed of life. So it stole the seed from god and used it to allow for their version of human being to think for itself, had to then divide separate and conquer the seeds knowing in the child, and this is when he spiritually pedophiles the child’s hearts thought process. {through the cunning deceit of emotional manipulations of human truth and trust leveraged by the fear of loss specific to human emotional need in acknowledgement, but gets only the hearts thought of self rejection of the movements knowing in emotional self.

 God allowed the seed and allowed it to stay in us in hopes that we might understand and choose life, and to rebirth life from the spiritual death we were made as, ‘’and were meant to be’’ servants to. So in this way the seed and the life source and the beauty it brings, and the love it invites ‘’is infection’’ to what we were made to be. Left in a darkness of truth and emotional turmoil as motivator- but because the seed is left in us, then this infection of life ‘’killing spiritual death’’ with its potent beauty and equal exchange in silent communications with silence herself. {the seed}

But in simple terms it fucks everything up inside our hearts thought process becoming then too afraid to know self, left without the courage to seek and obtain emotional direction and emotional support of spiritual friends, and educated spiritualists who love your seed more than you do…..for now.

And if you are here on this planet then you are here to rid yourself of the spiritual infection of the lower self ‘’in hearts thought process’’ because to the god of your unique understanding, and the heaven he lives in, in your hearts thought of this- is the father of that seed who really is himself. Given to you and me, but left with blank knowledge base. In heaven, children are born with the knowing of a thirty year old, and we have nothing at birth-except our uneducated and spiritually corrupted parents.  But we are with the other wisdom waiting patiently for parent to reject and neglect child. To be invited in to that child, just as itself was invited into the child of the parent years prior to this potential allowance, of the same emotional programming that invites evil spirit influence in, to act as friend and savior to the child’s pain.


Our spiritual infection to him is like aids infection to us, and just like you- god won’t allow infection into himself, from another-because that’s stupid to do so. And we both know, you are not stupid  and neither is the god of truth because of the seed and its life source, the same life source that fuels god himself, and his son, and grandsons, ‘’is in us’’. But that doesn’t mean we automatically get in, and are accepted. We have to achieve the same hearts thought process again, the same one we are born with, {its what Jesus meant by returning to the child} and the one that is natural to us all. The one from the original wisdom, from the seed….to become unselfish and unpleasing -but become a little of both to achieve the balanced determined self, one who seeks to meet the needs of ‘’all people involved in the intent making process’’ including self.

Given to self from the wisdom offered to each one of us from the self calculating spirit of ‘’knowing internal’’, speaking to each one of us through this offering exactly ‘’what’’ the truth is, understood through its emotional response. Who we, in reaction to the emotional response, begins to learn what and who self is when without the spiritual infection of emotional, and spiritual darkness of self.

When it is said they {fallen angels/intelligent animal} came into the daughters of man means they entered our infancy wisdom and turned it to other things of and from ''the other wisdom'' of knowing instant gratification from emptiness and its distraction seeking- and fearing only ‘’potential loss’’ in reaction to its own emotional responses. Creating the foundations for self glorification and an ego building and ego based  ‘’knowledge base of self’’ to remember and think from. Keeping self further and further away from the life source, sourcing self with the life of the uniqueness of self. Once taken, self and greed and survival and Darwinian god worship dominates the hearts thought process, and this wisdom dominates the wisdom of the good, and self is infected with the spiritual disease -and out of reach of silences voice speaking from that original and natural wisdom…of ‘’the good’’.

What causes this spiritual infection from the outside influence invited into the child now known as the spiritual conversion from the first wisdom. Now turned into two wisdoms of the same emotional truth of the living self, but the other wisdom needs for the spiritual self to be dead, or at least ‘’deadened’’ to achieve its dominance of the natural wisdom, the first wisdom.

The other wisdom makes us see the truth differently than it really is, when fearful in our hearts thought process. Seen through the emotional understanding in opposite of each other, truth of emotional self in normal level of self worth. And in through the other wisdom, of the lower self, and ‘’lowered self worth’’ in relation to the moment and how equal or unequal self feels while with, and around others.

Where one builds self worth and maintains it, and the other specifically sets out to destroy self worth because without low self worth, it would not be the influence it is, and could not then have the power of its influence without enabling low self worth. In which is accomplished through the enabling part of the parent through the rejection model of parenting the child. Who then the evil spirit influence begins to slowly chip away at the self worth levels of the child until itself is emptied of the natural spiritual fullness given to each one of us from god. Enabling the emptiness and its hunger for distraction, not to something physical yet, but to the desperate need itself, to distract self creating its quality of living in the hunger state of emotional being. This is not self choosing self destruction! This is self manipulated into it through the innocence of not knowing anything as a child. You, me and god ‘’all feel’’ the same way about this, but probably label it differently. This to me is the spiritual pedophile, removing human will from the child, using its innocence as a tool and leverage its needs through ‘’fear of loss’’ manipulations that cause the emptiness to occur. That in turn, ‘’in result’’ cause the child to seek distraction. And this child is infected with dark spiritual pedophile in spiritual influence, coming in through the electromagnetic pulse in the earth, the same doorway the good wisdom comes through, so we can have life and become spiritually physical.

The rejection model of being parented means to have emotional response rejected and in turn, helps to destroy the normal levels of self worth that fuels aspirations into physical reality. When in this state of emotional being, the self of the child is no longer filled with the sense of spiritual fullness each human benign receives in early childhood as the normal function of spiritual being, meeting the emotional need itself.

When the child does naturally what itself is born to do, which is to self express-  is then rejected, and then rejected enough times, the child internalizes the rejection as something unworthy ‘’to be’’. And left feeling unworthy ‘’to feel acknowledged’’ for the emotional expression in the now, and feels then defeated and disenfranchised from family and the rest of the world in that moment. And for some of us, stay here for many years until ‘’an emotional bottom’’ shows us the way out.

We feel rejected for the natural self expression as the natural higher spiritual and emotional self…

Anger sets in {and rightly so} but is opportunity for the opportunist seeking human weakness and is its doorway in when parent is uneducated and rejects emotional expressions from the child.

and invites the evil spirit influence in to claim itself as savior by explaining through the hijacked electromagnetic pulse in the earth… the lie is better than the truth, so do not express because it brings pain. The child agrees and lies, but then the child learns quickly to maintain the lie through the cunning deception of emotional manipulations of human truth and trust when explaining self to those who rejected child in the past {parent}. This does not come from any root core of the child. But reaction to the safety level enabled by the misaligned and uneducated, still in unresolved pain ‘’parent’’ who needs infection removal first, before having a child.

And still is not enabled by the parent, who is reacting to the spiritual infection internal, of emotional darkness and low self worth infection ‘’in itself’’ and is transferring the emotional programming from its own understanding of its own rejection based childhood. So we go into automatic emotional self protection mode of operating our human behavior in reaction to things, and self express the self protection behavior. And no longer the self expressing ‘’the living truth’’, in the living book, the heart is.

The conversion of human wisdom. Making one wisdom into two wisdoms, with the influences intent opposite of each other. One needing life from the will of the intent making of self,  and the other needing our spiritual death ’’in our own intent making’’  and only one is chosen, but is completely and easily reprogrammable thanks to the map left behind by Jesus.

The intelligent animal hijacking the natural influence of emotional truth of the living higher self.

All people want to ‘’and need to’’ emotionally hang on tightly to the god in their hearts of uniqueness, but are pulled away through this infection influence. Offering up the opposite of truth in knowing, and with then the other wisdom offering the mistress wisdoms of instant gratifications, through the self protection behavior and the multitude of physical stimulus’s we experience. But there to use as a tool to distract self away from the unresolved pain internal, from experiencing the rejection model of being parented OVER AND OVER AGAIN, IN EACH NEW EXPEREINCE IN THE NOW WITH OTHER PEOPLE, WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REJECTIONS PAIN. BUT WE THINK WE WILL BE CONTINUALY REJECTED WHEN IN HEARTS THOUGHT OF EMOTIONAL EXPRESION OF THE INNER TRUTH, OF THE HIGHER SELF, WHEN THIS EMOTIONAL PAIN IS LEFT UNREOLVED!  It is invader and intruder influence influencing these things in each child, but goes one step further than just the cunning deception to self protect.

 The two wisdoms create something to react to in hearts thought of its consideration. And then the secondary human behavior occurs, of which acts through the consideration in hearts thought of the experience, projecting then the spirit, and spiritual nature of the hearts thought consideration and its chosen wisdom. The human will chooses to act through one of the two wisdoms. If the self cant choose its own wisdom, then is not in control of its own hearts thought process. And is in need of spiritual reprogramming, realignment and re education of self- in personal development. To rid self of the auto reaction quality of living through its result of spiritual death felt through the knowing of our emotional ‘’deadening’’-leaving self then in a state of being physically alive, but is spiritually death inside. But the rejection model of being parented only invites evil spirit influence, and the other wisdom…There are many things that strengthen its position as dominant influence of the dark wisdom in the child…

A child doesn’t know. The child naturally trusts. After feeling rejected enough times, the child no longer trusts anyone and is now looking to distract self from this pain, emptiness and loneliness. Sees things on the pedophile machine and thinks this will help me feel better, and this will strengthen my self worth. But these are only moments of distraction the self thinks is replacement to natural spiritual fullness when aligned with the first wisdom. And when these distractions fuels wears off the self is quickly hungry again for the next escape quality of the moment. This becomes the emotional programming of the self, now with the mistress wisdoms in place, and in play. Beginning to convince self ‘’that what is’’ isn’t- and ‘’that what isn’t’’ is…we soon believe that without the product or ‘’the whatever’’ it is they claim will boost your self esteem back into existence- we won’t feel alive if we believe them and do not yet own the peddled promises,  so we rush to buy because we ‘’rushed to believe’’ this from our lowered self worth levels. Who the secondary spiritual pedophiles, acting from the first one in their hearts, direct their pedophile machine to speak to our children as penetrator into their hearts thought process, and yours to. And what about those who also sell you ‘’psycho active substance’’ {including smoking”} and the dark spiritual reactions to the gambling stimulus?

‘’As sold in stores’’ the innocence claimed when advertising this deadliest and most devastating drug in existence, where if you measure those who have been slaughtered by this disease ‘’to all those of the other addiction diseases’’ this one the innocent looking one, claimed to bring friendship and connection and love and trust- but in stead devastates human lives. Kills them and slaughters the spiritual being in each who is infected by its stimulus quality of distraction. The emptiness is known to the alcohol/cigarette/gambling/weed dealer and is used to make trillions from your spiritual death and misery, and you accept it!  But do not accept it from the heroin dealer on the street, who does the same thing. And those ones who claim their drug of addiction disease quality, is legal and ‘’your fault’’ if you get addicted to it. But the heroin dealers drug is illegal, and is his fault if you become addicted to it. 

 and it is you who allows this drug dealer to roam free while you despise the heroin dealer, and his muscle and muscling system. And you hate the coke and meth dealers and their muscling systems, but encourage and help the alcohol dealer devastate many millions of lives, not just the few hundred thousand all other illegal drugs combine effect in devastating ways in in many millions of deaths. And all the people left to suffer the effects of alcoholism, smoking, and gambling… ‘’and now pot’’ as taxable income for the few who steal from you through lies deceptions.

I was just in the five day self evaluation training program at addacc in Edmonton, where they teach how to live with and deal with alcohol gambling and smoking. Teaching then that if your drug is heroin, then you might like to have a beer or a joint- and things like that. And when I confronted them on their motives and payoffs for such a thing, they rejected me and turned the direction of the topic. my god are you fucking kidding me? They said when you bring addiction into your life {blame} then you can manage it with alcohol gambling smoking and now, pot…no other drug was brought up and written down on the board. suggesting these things and implanting these very destructive things in the hearts of the confused, and very lost people already in the grips of addiction to their own devastation drugs of choice. And these people encourage addiction to something else as remedy for addiction… and they get paid by the same guy who taxes alcohol cigarettes and gabling and now, weed.

It is spiritual pedophile in that it uses the same tools and tool box of the physical pedophile used to get the child to remove human will and give permission to the outside influence… getting the child to remove its own underwear through the cunning deception of emotional manipulations of human truth and trust ‘’leveraged by the fear of loss of something specific of ‘’acknowledgement’’ to emotional need of the child. The leveraging of the fear of loss, the spiritual pedophile itself created to be afraid of- in a fantasy derived from only a thing sliver of truth of the emotional experience of the child. The angry person wisdom is now soon to establish itself. This first dark wisdom develops the mistress wisdoms of what and how evil develops in people ready to have evil spirit projected through human behavior, and no longer to have the Holy Spirit projected through the first and original calculated hearts thought with wisdom of the good. And now evil spirit influence controls the processes of the frontal lobe and is operator of its new virtual reality machine, experiencing through the manipulated human will of the self and many do not know what is happening TO THEM IN THEIR OWN HEARTS THOUGHT OF THEMSELVES AND HOW THEY CALCULATE THEIR OWN HEARTS THOUGHT OF themselves.

Sexualizing Our Children

After lowered self worth takes hold, and the escape manipulation we do to ourselves as a child with food and kindergarten self protection behavior {emotional}, begins to wear off. Our sexual selves take a different turn and become one of the things of escapism- and powerful one at that- when we have the media exploiting our children’s hearts thought process like this.

The media is filled with sexualized messages for children. For girls, it is to know ‘’not themselves’’ in their emotional structures as human beings, but it is to know their sex, sexual prowess and sexual conquering, she displays to the male even at that early age. With tv shows that glamorize sexuality and cartoons like Walt Disney who for years have been saying this about girls but for boys says a different thing. Its says that boys are to conquer the female with a male prowess that is irresistible to the female. But if you can’t pull this off, then you will follow the one who can do this ‘’as his side kick’’. While at the same time, show the young male, those things they teach girls about their sexual selves and young boys are led now down the sexual path of achieving the sexual moment with the female…in this way we are programmed emotionally as children to understand ourselves through sexuality and sexual prowess. And knowing only the sexual self, and knowing nothing of the  cognitive self of emotional balance and spiritual fullness.

Jesus says that evil enters through the gentiles, who we become then enslaved by the same distortions in the biochemical release in the brain and body, as with the alcoholic and drug addict. But is empowered by many other things and most of us refuse many of the sexual desires we see through that evil that enters through the genitals. Remember the real confession is with silence, and no one else! Trust no one who hasn’t first earned the sacred trust of truth. Find spiritual friends for this, because they need from you ‘’what you need from them’’ in terms of empathies understanding, and intelligent direction making or, redirection making.

But are we left emptied in understanding why this is, but that’s a thing of the past now, when you commit to recover from what the other wisdom, ‘’the predator wisdom’’ has done to you, then you will realign and become whole and complete again. This the promise from god when self commits to its life source, sourcing self the knowing and ‘’knowledge base’’ self has of self. When personal development is committed to, the sexual self also realigns ‘’itself’’ and self feels sexually normal again without the old emotional programming we get as children, from kids shows and Walt Disney cartoons. Who all children’s shows are ‘’now a days’’ is as corrupt. But Walt and his pedophile cartoonists were the creators of indirect emotional programming when speaking indirectly to our young wisdom, in that way.

 And look at what is happening to our children now…turn the tv off it is being used as a pedophile machine, but on and in spiritual levels of understanding.

 A child just learning through influence to know self is redirected to know only the sexual self, and what self must do sexually- to earn a space in life when emotionally programmed through the rejection model of being parented and the child is left now with the two wisdoms instead of only the original wisdom and its future programming of self, through empathies understanding- and not through judgments understanding. Who the cartoonists infuse their sexual programming with…those who do not have the sexually desirable body, or the sexual prowess skills to enforce it, are then judged indirectly ‘’on tv’’. And those who fit into this category of what is described on tv as the incomplete self {not feeling good enough}, the programming is self judgment and therefore an incomplete self image in hearts thought of self, and hearts thought process, where an incomplete mediocre life awaits these ones who fall victim to this hidden method of reprogramming children. Taking them away from truth and integrity opf truth and turns them sexual and competitive.

Take your children from schools that is taking part in the newest sexual deviancy, this transgender thing they are now pushing is designed to confuse your children, and to then program your children. Who can’t be programmed emotionally without the parent’s approval, of this evil taking place in this time period.

This is not new information. People have known and have defeated this evil in themselves, but not all of us. Many in today’s world are left overs from all the life cycles of human beings from the past four life cycles of human beings. The end result is emotional deadening, and for many emotional and then spiritual death, living in a zombie like state of spiritual being. Where you can walk around because the machine works, but in your hearts thought of self is deadened or is dead spiritually, and no spiritual fullness gets through. Turn the pedophile machine off unless the programming is emotionally safe and builds a safe environment to enable self expression and celebration of its inspiration. There used to be tv shows like that but not now.

The funs not over

The end result is getting older with those emotional programming’s still acting in the now, as if the self is still inside the experience that caused the pain ‘’in early childhood. And fearing loss is still ‘’the now’’ - and the person is spiritually divided and conquered by the dark feminine element -of the evil spirit influence. Who must first separate and divide the self from the self, and enable the cognitive dissidence that allows for the lower self to hold an emotional idea of self, and allows the higher self to hold, for as long as it can ‘’a firm belief and trust in the higher self’’ –but this natural trust that we all are born naturally with, quickly vanishes in our teenage years- for many of us.

The influence behind the lower self needs dominance of the human will of the natural higher self in order to conquer the self worth level- in the heart of the self. Because that is the prize, It knows we become the puppet when in that emotional state OF LOW SELF WORTH, FUELING HEARTS THOUGHT process, still trying to process first thought of the living natural, emotionally content, natural higher self, everyone is born as- but we forget about when here long enough. And try to remember when in that state of questioning self and its past actions but few have success in discovering what they want to discover about themselves, without the keys of human knowledge. I feel like saying ‘’thanks god’’ because it is the only way to relive self of the lower self dominance. And then is the only way to relive self of sadness, and its depression state of emotional and spiritual being…angry ‘’being’’, I wonder if I’m the only one who would benefit from self discovery and hearts thought reprogramming that is self directed and discovers the higher self again….and does feel complete and whole again, and the self worth issues disappear, when you commit to your own personal development. that’s all this is, and when ‘’you become balanced determined self’’ then you and your silence can begin to discover which of your cognitive thoughts is from which of the two wisdoms. You will begin naturally to dismiss these self destructive, self protection behaviors- for what will feel natural to you again.

Doing nothing is developing then a stronger relationship, and stronger spiritual bond to the lower self dominance, who the mistress wisdoms will use your defeated sense of intellect to calculate hearts thought with- and formulate behavior from. These mistress wisdoms are many, but their purpose is simple-to self destruct, seek distraction, and ‘’what distractions’’ that will satisfy the self in its distracting quality of living in spiritual death, while thinking this is spiritual life to own things and believe you are succeeding while lying and cheating your way into ‘’those positions’’ of acquiring the means ‘’of acquiring’’ the material object of physical stimulus, used to ignite the spiritual stimuli. But it is dark means and dark methods used to acquire those things of material wealth, who the mistress wisdoms you are choosing over the first wisdom who rebirths knowledge into a greater knowing while communicating with it in the silence of truths knowing. But instead we lie, cheat, manipulate and leverage the fear of loss of something specific to the safety and well being of another spiritual self-and think this is the success in life to chase. But we have been deceived by a few really dark and evil people/other… who paid Darwin to say those things of physical survival, and now we worship the Darwinian god over the one of truth goodness and trust. When we cant do those for ourselves of goodness and trust, then we have nothing for anyone else. This might be a reason why human beings are separated from each other in their communities.

 And to justify hurting others in the name of this or that, or in terms of your Darwinian god worship of the spiritual lower self animal instinct to survive the physical environment. When self is operating its living computer as a hunger machine, and the need to feed it ‘’its stimulations’’  as a means of self distraction, from unresolved pain and its unresolved fear-then you… we both are in trouble.  But you know who is more trouble than us, those who deny the simplest truth to make way for what their fear tells them…And then what their other wisdom tells them how to react to that fear. And ‘’her speak to self’’ through the fear of potential loss of self identity and its self respect. So we refuse to self express our emotional truth as a means of self protection still in the early childhood emotional programming of self protection of self worth levels.  With the world and the gentiles at the ready to be influenced from-there to specifically separate you from your silence and its seed {stolen seed}

Knowing is key.

Knowing ‘’how’’ spiritual duality is established and maintained through the mistress wisdoms that causes spiritual duality, is key in conquering them, instead allowing them to conquer you.

The algorithm of hearts thought process, impregnating the cognitive masculine thought and thought process, is key in understanding the higher se sure -but it is also key in identifying what wisdom is which. {after the spiritual conversion from one wisdom, into two wisdoms}

This unresolved pain and low self worth stays with a person because it is influenced to do so, and it is not anyone’s fault. No one asked for this and the real reason why it is allowed to exist will astound you because we were not made from god, but genetically constructed from four other physical life forms. The seed was stolen to make the first white man, who was Adam to be able to think with thought process, but intelligent animal couldn’t achieve this without the seed and its ability to offer its host thought process. Her name was Eve, and your feminine element that enables thought process x2-and the truth of the emotional self to think about -and work through the knowing and knowledge she impregnates our masculine elements with…..has to earn a name, which needs to qualify by means of human will of self utilizing only the first wisdom, to calculate hearts thought into the greater knowing and formulate behavior from. But intelligent animal understood quickly that the full force of the sacred feminine element of the life observed in his human- was not going to work, since the first Adam told the intelligent animal ‘’to fuck off’’ and ‘’bite me’’ when his feminine element {the self of the first Adam named Eve…..} was ordered to obey the male regenerative, over what is birthed as knowing from the first wisdom of self and truth internally, through the full force of the seeds power in knowing and telling what she knows to the human will of the human self of Adam….so he killed that Adam and Lilith was made to look like the demon, just like all human females have been programmed to see themselves as something lower than the male.

In heaven, the female is worshiped for the life she can bring the male, and rightly so because without truth and emotional response and the wisdoms to discover greater things of the self, and the selves of others, in the light in a logic that defines the first thought knowing of truth-then they, and we could only operate as a laptop operates without life of emotional truth to consider with the cognitive thought. And without the wisdom that shows us what to think about in the silence of our hearts thought.

The transformation of the higher self, into the lower self through transformation of our wisdoms-and what we are left  to deal with.

Now feeling emptied and longing for the natural fullness to return but doesn’t, the self looks to the physical world for distraction from the unresolved pain, finds relief and emotionally programs this as something that is helpful. But must now lie to and manipulate self in order to maintain the needs of the transformed hunger machine the body becomes from its living temple of spiritual fullness, we are born as and with. Until we are drained of its life quality through the uneducated and unknowing of themselves ‘’parents’’ who do not know themselves to know their wisdoms empathy for their children’s new emotional and extremely fragile emotional responses, in which takes skilled parents trained in the acknowledgement model of parenting to emotionally program their children in the higher self worth.  This spiritual copulation in emotional darkness is the one evil that creates all other human evil…eliminate the rejection model of parenting and rid your earth of this infection finally once and for all.

The Dark Feminine-when the wisdom of the lower self dominates the natural higher self.

Now develops the mistress wisdoms that take… ‘’all of them’’ take justification of why it is that self is disobeying ‘’not god’’ but the truth that lives moves and breaths in us, and we hear her/mother god silence birthing truth and emotional response….. {she is hooked up with god because she trusts him and she is her husband- more than this though, she is the life source, who he asked her to go into him and become his own life source, and feminine element -and she said ‘’yes’’ because she trusted him. And when we allow the other wisdom, allows the spiritual defilement-no guilt manipulation just facts- you decide what that means to your own uniqueness, and decide what is needed with your own silence. But we tell truth to ‘’fuck off’’ in whatever language ‘’of intent made’’ you speak that rejection of the internal emotional truth in… and transform the purpose of the life sources elements into that which will serve the now ‘’hunger machine’’ the body is ‘’turned into’’. This is the adultery spoken of in your bibles. When self chooses the other wisdom of instant gratification need, over the one that births the life we hope to rebirth life from, in our own sacred feminine element of life internal, who not everyone in the universe gets the opportunity to achieve for themselves. We ourselves then take the truth and allow the distortions ‘’willfully’’ just as we did as children without permission, but because the seed is in the self- then the seed speaks the truth to us before we act on a distorted hearts thought. But when a person does… as we all have, we allow the turning, meaning we allow the life source to be turned in us and ‘’as ourselves’’ into the whore or prostitute as written symbolically about in your bibles. It is the feminine element of the self who becomes the whore in later stages of spiritual invasion and corruption temptation influence, but first it is the self who chooses to leave its purity of emotional truth an deny it. Distorting then all other influences that we get from god in truth, and truth itself becomes distorted. We then take the truth and exploit it like a drunk male exploits the naked body of a hooker. In this way we turn our truth into something lendable through the second wisdom. Prostituting ourselves is allowing for the manipulations and then acting on those same manipulations to exploit another persons spiritual strength in trust. But using that strength as a weakness, and one of penetration into that trusting person as to have your way with whatever it is you are targeting through your second wisdom ‘’in that person’’. This incomplete and emptied soul is seeing spiritual trust as a weakness to exploit and gain from selfishly. In this way, we see ourselves and parts of our hearts thought and give it to the evil spirit influence in exchange for whatever the moment and his temptation lust fuel offers self to pursue, as his dark feminine wisdoms influence in the emotional darkness. That the evil himself created by himself for the human child to experience, and then choose between the two wisdoms. And like the physical pedophile blames the self of the child’s innocence lacking but needy and trusting nature for its own intent made- made to look like it is  beneficial to the person being manipulated, but really is the end result of the hidden agenda in the evil spirit influence. To have self submit to the easy way out the second wisdom says is knowledge to help you, but really is a way to keep you separated from the inner most emotional truth of the living, natural, higher self you are, and ‘’were born as’’ because of the seed which is perfect perfection in life and communication with them internally, and silently.  And can never loose if you don’t want it lost, when all you got to do is develop self back into the first wisdom and stay there. And all you give up is instant gratification addiction which is the real addictions disease, because all substances ‘’obey instant gratification hunger’’ and its need request made to human will of self. And its intent making ability stolen from the rebirthing ability of the human self, given to itself from god as gift of life and absolute gift of invitation into a family of light and love and truth and love and…..

Or, choose the second wisdom and her hunger quality and fear speak to the self and obey that, and if you want that is up to your human will. Human will decides and takes that decision onto and into itself. God wont interfere because he believes in the will of the self, and that controlling anyone or anything is the root of all evil. In which what grows from this need is the evil of evils… people do to each other for this ‘’control need’’ we have. That is so powerful, that it has to be genetic programming,. But even that is weakness to the human will of rebirthing ability, given to self, from the god of truth and the good wisdom that births it for him, in him. And just for the sake love, it is given to us and for us, ‘’that they do this for us’’ who must realign  ourselves, in order to unfuck this world- because it was us who fucked this world to begin with, and slaughtered all spiritual people and killed off all spiritual knowing and knowledge base, of those people. And because of our scientist/intelligent animal, who will claim to be our god soon, is coming back to do so and take all his who chooses his influence in the second wisdom. But the rest of us go with the one we choose now, which side will you be on? And I’ll tell you right now, in the end result will happen to those who choose darkness and teach their children the same darkness…they will be taken from you. You yourself will loose the ability to reproduce yourselves in your children. You will need to genetically program yourselves to maintain what you will call falsely ‘’the evolved human being’’ but you will not be as human at that time…

And is simply kindergarten education to you, and for you…. and is up to you what you trust and what you need the best. Bargaining with yourself in-between your two wisdoms and their knowing, and their knowledge base, and allowing the second wisdom is the position when you know the truth and what the good wisdom tells you through empathy, but you choose the second wisdoms knowing and KNOWLEDGE BASE over empathies knowledge base. And allow the evil while justifying why it was that you decided that the second wisdoms knowing, is better to act on over what the first wisdom tells you to act on’’ unselfishly’. Where you meet the other persons need without meeting your own and without hidden agenda to meet your need later. Being the whore is completely giving yourself over to the other wisdom and her mistress wisdoms, and you calculate nothing of light and emotional truth in the self- but reject those things to make room for the hunger and the instant gratification felt physically when entertaining the physical elements of the world and when in self protection behavior as the selfishly or becoming the pleasing determined self.

And it was never the child who chose this in you now. You were exploited and manipulated and spiritually deadened and emotionally tortured until you gave in, as all children gives into that which is stronger impact in them, when unknowing of themselves.

 We are let off the hook because of this but we have to cleanse ourselves emotionally to achieve the spiritual cleansing so we don’t infect them when we want to go to the version of heaven in the hearts thought you already decided is heaven.

….with its instant gratification need as a replacement emotional program for the original spiritual influence of life, where the body acts as something different when not managed properly. In which is unique but we all operate through the same influences and its algorithm of thinking from a hearts thought while itself is unfolding internally in our hearts as self calculating spirit speaking knowledge to self. To then have the invader and infection influence come in and have its own algorithm of unfolding its angry wisdoms in the opposite way of the original, itself is copying from…Turning our focus away from spiritual fullness, to ‘’consumption fullness’’ and its temporariness of a ‘’fake sense of fullness’’ with its hunger quality to return time and time again, when in need of emotional distractions from emotional darkness and emotional turmoil and spiritual emptiness. Many who look to increase their material wealth must become the lower self in order to make that money, so you can feed your family and compete with your neighbors. But, when after the money is made, and you win that competition with your neighbor in the materialistic one up man ship competition with each other, all who follow this path deals with a sadness and depression and cant figure out why. But it is because the more we think through one of the wisdoms, the other one dissipates into a nothingness  of knowing what the higher self is anymore. But is completely resurrectable when you focus on your personal development, and reintroduce ‘’yourself’’ to your higher self again.

But the main thing between us both is the body acts as the physical thingy that enables the spirit to express itself, and then therefore ‘’the communication device’’ itself used as the conduit of spirit, and life, and god, and communication with god in silence- and inside hearts thought of the acknowledge emotional truth of the self.

 going back, or coming back to god, begins here. We are more powerful than the invader and infection wisdom, and we will examine his childlike restraints on us through the angry wisdom, when you know about them, and see how week they are- in reality.


{in whatever language you use to tell truth to stand down to make room of the justification for the instant gratification your hunger machine tells you- ‘’you are desperate and desperately hungry for, in early childhood. We all say the same thing to her… ‘’no’’ and  ‘’stop’’- it is too painful…’’no more from now on’’ to acknowledge my unresolved emotional pain. Spoken in a child’s language -we say to ourselves when the truth moves naturally in us, and the self of the child/self immediately denies the emotional response because it was that which brought the pain… and of course it wasn’t , it was the way it was met by the rejection model of being parented, and influenced by the infection element of the dark feminine.

This is the emotional programming that forces the duality in spiritual wisdoms, where one wisdom forces her way onto and ‘’into’’ the first wisdom internal, giving self the self destructive wisdom of low self worth-offering self then the mistress wisdoms of hate, selfishness, impurity of empathy, and for many a sexual escape thingy that quickly turns to a sexual addiction, with only an empathy for the self and no one else.  Clearing the way for the selfish wisdoms and the mistress wisdoms that came into/hijacked/hacked the electromagnetic pulse and influence the evil thought. Where if empathy is weakened enough, then the human will of that self is subject to the whims of the influence, and the self follows it blindly and without question.

When we don’t know what it is, and how to work with its powers of influence, then the self becomes the puppet puppeteered by those influences. Of which siphon from the truth to then exploit it through the unknowing and the emotionally confused state of the ones, who do not know themselves, where knowing self is the only remedy and cure for the spiritual infection. It is in these mistress wisdoms that evil becomes the human will manipulated or not, because it is the self who chooses between the light of goodness/fairness, and the darkness of ‘’the evil of emotional darkness’’ within self, and of self. In which both influences seek ‘’to adapt themselves to’’ as self!!! One is willing to loan us life and seed that offers us never-ending life happiness and without any shade of the spiritual darkness that follows emotional darkness left in an unresolved state of being. The other offers up as a wisdom to act is of the instant gratification addiction. There is one addiction everyone is contaminated with as additions disease. You don’t have to be a drug addict or an alcoholic to have this very curable disease that feeds and exploits from spiritual emptiness and not knowing self-it is the only evil spirit possession there is that means anything because this is the moment when the other wisdom comes into us as children to remain with is as emotional programming that defeats self worth and kills it off. From there, if a person was to follow its influence in evil intent making from the other wisdom, the secondary approach this evil makes to see if you will cave after destroying the self of the child leaving the child in a state of low self worth. ‘’There to separate and divide you from the seeds influence’’ and conquer the human will of decision making ‘’and intent making’’. To keep self from acting on the unselfish empathy wisdom, and to then turn pain inward, when parents cause the pain of rejection and its emotional pain left unresolved and destroys self worth. Then it manipulates that pain, turning it quickly into ‘’the angry persons wisdom’’.  When evil spirit influence, after waiting patiently for pain to turn into anger, the evil spirit influence hidden in the human ego, offers the wisdom of emotional hate, rather than emotional empathy. And many act on the second influence when tricked, exploited and manipulated this way. Like a child is in the hands of a physical pedophile, who also claims to be friends, and claims then protection and support, but only if you do this first…oh, ya… and do that to…

Not that the person is evil for having emotional darkness, but because the influence influencing spiritual darkness through the emotional manipulated darkness of self, and the establishes low self worth, then this is the evil and first pedophile in spiritual influence is a spiritual pedophile doing all things a physical pedophile does with his words of description to a child, does the same to each one of us in the silence through the hijacked or ‘’hacked’’ electromagnetic pulse in the earth, gods electronics for his living computers that we are- but are living computers to house the spirit of life- the mother and seed. That is the real evil and in many cases is the human will ‘’willfully’’ following that second wisdom, and many of her mistress wisdoms that say ‘’hurt to feel pleasure’’ or to feel in control again. Hurt to feel sexually aroused with the neighbors wife or husband and hurt to achieve wealth and material. Kill, rape and torture your enemies because they deserve it. Hurt their children and kill and rape them because they might hurt your children. If your leader is powerful then join forces with that evil ‘’and become it’’ while thinking you are protecting the innocent… this can go on and on an on and on but ill stop now.

The physical pedophiles are following their other wisdoms influence who first infected them, but no one is let off the hook for anything evil because of the spirits orders and basic common sense. And because it presents an infection quality to his perfect realm of light when the human self does nothing with its own emotional darkness’s… I mean, you wouldn’t invite aids infected blood into you, would you? Neither will god allow our aids infected spirit to infect his perfected realm of living light, inside a continuous living joy. The human circumstance was created and it must be cleaned up through human will to cleanse the inner emotional self, that will ‘’in its inevitable end result’’ cleanse the spiritual self.

In the end result we turn ourselves from the sacred feminine element into that which the human will of the self calculated hearts thought with the dark feminine, first of fearing and then into the first mistress wisdom of anger, and the angry persons wisdom. Inviting then the opportunity for the mistress wisdoms to present their knowing in first emotional darkness of the self and then what the self can gain through the lie, and manipulating the lie…beginning always in the desperate need for emotional escapism because of the early childhood emotional programming of rejection based parenting. In which evil seeps into each time when in hearts thought of genuine emotional self expression. And this stops ‘’everyone’’ uneducated and unknowing ‘’in their tracks’’ and hearts thought direction of what is natural to the human being, is diverted away from this light. Making it frightening and fearful to engage with the living truth and the living emotional response system installed in our living computer. That helps us understand our spiritual nature, helping us then to understand the spirit herself a little bit better. Each time we ourselves evolve through learning and knowing about ourselves through that emotional knowing, after each human experience. The experiences that remained in the loving light of god which is mutual respect between people, in its infancy modus operandi, is easy to explain. But the ones we learned from in the darkness element of the dark wisdoms within, only self and silence know what that is, but self must bring this knowledge forward and speak its words out loud with a spiritual friend in order to purify and cleanse you living spirit again. Those ones to, the dark ones and the evil ones you thought of in your heart’s thought, and then processed its knowing into a knowledge base to act on. Must be brought out into the light of your silence and hearts thought process,  who is between you and the omni present god- who everyone trust in heaven, but we don’t trust in ourselves- in this time period, but must learn quick.

 When in silent hearts thought, many images without silence come into cognitive thought to keep distracting you from the courage it now takes to self express. But when the courage is found, and you do self express you inner most emotional truth to someone out loud, who is spiritual friend- then evil and its dark feminine, and her power over you, ‘’leaves you’’. Because gods life source, and ‘’the presence of your intent’’ are the same thing then - making them both the same intent made. There is only one way back to the heaven you want to end up in…that is through the truth of the emotional self, this is no mistake and quite believable to the many religions out there. But the one truth the self has to achieve is knowing the emotional self and becoming truthful with that element first and foremost. As a matter of fact we are made to understand things through the emotional understanding of ourselves and soon, very soon- people will begin to communicate through the silence of their emotional empathy, as we do now except other things will be known then as well.  And all  things together should have an impact on you, even the most critical thinkers out there will not by any scientific means will prove anything I say wrong.

But in the end result we ourselves take the sacred feminine and then her into the dark feminine and then turn the Sophia element into the mistress wisdoms when uneducated and undirected- but misdirected as to not allow you this specific knowing and knowledge base.  The Sophia element is the first wisdom. We then take that wisdom, and with the ‘’spiritual sister wisdoms’’ take empathy and turn it into unselfish acts of goodness, leaving others to feel loved without ever saying the words ‘’I love you’’. The sister wisdoms are sisters to your masculine thought of your own intellectual wisdom,  –what your mother and father in spiritual influence is telling you is emotional truth of self, and the wisdom to carry the knowing through to an end result ‘’of the greater knowing’’ and evolved knowing.  But still the experience itself and what the knowledge is -and forming an intent from that acquisition of the knowledge must be translated through the emotional knowing of self.

We are here to help you with that. Not just us and our party, but many others as well, they are there…..are you looking for them?

Spiritual death and spiritual duality.


When separated from the original wisdom, separates self from its own natural re birthing element of spiritual knowing- to calculate hearts thought with. The other mistress wisdoms come and destroy all things when self follows that direction, either immediately or eventually. Regardless of the financial score, or ‘’the fleshes score’’. So things are always is chaos in its end result when acting on the second wisdoms tempting ideas, known now because of the hacking and what tat influence brings as knowing to consider.

 In hearts thought processing things that cause chaos in our relationships with each other, and those who follow their control need over the masses of people, are those who still need educations. And their educations are coming for them, and they will learn the spiritual nature of themselves ‘’the hard way’’ because that is what is needed for those who still hope for spiritual death- once they understand the basics here.

Who first you are defeated internally by those committed to the spiritual pedophile in themselves, and his methods of enchantment and root cutting. Politics and the media and religion which is cutting the root of truth, and manipulating that truth into sounding like something else {enchantment or, emotional manipulations.} as to convince self that what is, ‘’isn’t’’. And that WHAT ISNT, ‘’IS’’.

So the self is ok with its evil element, and then justifies that evil into sounding like it is needed ‘’or else’’ something bad and terrible might happen…living in the fear of loss is communication with his dark feminine element and his mistress wisdoms of evil intent making. So it can live through that experience as the human will does and somehow they both accomplish this, the holy spirit of life and who offers us the same life, and rebirthing ability as the mother and father of the spiritual child {self}. Living through the human will of the self, as to experience what the human being experiences and in this way, the good wisdom remains with self through the good emotions, and the negative ones. But the other one will exploit that pain and unknowing, and then toss you out like yesterdays trash when you have an emotional moment focused inwardly and truthfully, with your own emotional content. It hates this emotional response system and its wisdom of empathies love.

And hates you because you are human emotion self, but you are only accepted by this evil when you reject the truth of the emotional self. He loves it and loves you when you hate emotion, and hate truth and hate all people who follow the first influence. This is evident when we look at the billions of white people, the intelligent animals version of human being…killed over the years, beginning with the one hundred million native people they slaughtered raped and tortured. Who they to said to themselves from the other wisdoms influence ‘’they might hurt us so we will kill them’’. But first to punish them we will rape their sons and daughters and then kill them. And you white people {I am white}  are so gullible you believe them and you follow them, and you will keep following them because first and foremost, the first spiritual pedophile has you in his hands of spiritual influence, and has taken you from your seed and silence.

You know, all those of you ‘’the good person’’, who remains with its first wisdom, you know how much we love to hate those who hurt, kill, rape, pedophile and torture others? Those are the ones ‘’who we are here to help them’’ save themselves from that monster in them. And in us, but you are strong and can destroy that second wisdom in you, and thank you for that but you are still judgmental. You don’t have to help ‘’hands on’’ because no one expects you to, but when it comes time to, when we make our approach into them, then leave us the fuck alone! And don’t harm them, or there will be trouble ‘’for you’’ internally and spiritually, and non physically. You have been warned.












This depicts the spiritual pedophile symbolically consuming child, but its not its physical self being consumed, it’s the trust and belief in the self -and self worth being consumed by the second wisdom and her male counterpart. Who all are in one physical being, {intelligent animal} just as in us, with god having the elemental life source in himself, who he shares with us.

We are equipped with the first wisdom that births knowing of the emotional moment, and the emotional self as the result of its knowing in emotional impact, we feel deeply and physically. But is spiritually initiated meaning, it is non physical element that we do feel physically. But finally, this is self and self evolving into a knowing of self ‘’that will invite you in’’ and be welcomed as new member of gods family.

Only you and silence can bring these things forward, to deal with them so they do not hurt you. While thinking like the drunk thinks, ‘’this is great’’ but doesn’t, and cant see how terrible his or her circumstances are, because of the addiction quality of alcohol. You don’t see the evil in you because of the intoxication element of his lust fuel that commands the heart to hate and to hurt and to have sex with anyone. And then the spirit of incorruption comes into the electromagnetic pulse to offer her to self, we call guilt. Guilt is a gift because she tells us when we entertain and act on the second wisdom and her mistress wisdoms.

‘’This viper and dragon’’ as Jesus like to call him, who I label as ‘’spiritual pedophile’’ because it has the same behaviors of the physical pedophiles, in which I had three to learn from when I was a child. And who all had the same singularity in human behavior, and it was spiritual pedophilia, the cunning deceit of emotional manipulations of human truth and trust leveraged by the fear of losing something specific to human emotional need and its emotional safety. Every young child and adult person seeks to find in order to feel content and relaxed and at peace.

The internal calculation between cognitive thought and emotional hearts knowing, comes from the inexpressible life source sourcing all living things it’s knowing of truth and uniqueness of self, but all are from one source of life. Found in the stolen seed-in which all life begins in knowing emotional truth of self. And having the emotional response exemplifies the spiritual understanding of the other elements of the seed that birth the knowing and feeling of trusts love, and its wisdom of empathy. Our rebirthing ability though is the same thing as our parents {of the stolen seed}, and what the perfect mother father god is to each one of us because he found us worthy of ‘’allowing us to keep the seed’’ and to become one of them.

Which this transformation takes place inside hearts thought process when self removes self from what the dark feminine kills off in spiritual life, to make room for the things that leave the self spiritually deadened- and soon spiritually dead. The self of the child follows that which looks like safety, and not the evil that is building this knowing for the child to embrace as the knowledgeless, raw and emotionally programmable child. Left alone to deal with this beast of beasts internal- and non physical, as dark spiritual influence targeting first ‘’the early child’s emotional structure as a young human being’’ as the divinity of human emotion it is. But evil spirit sees as a threat to its own existence inside the human will of the child, where this death and its beast of beasts lives and breaths and feeds and consumes every spiritual once of life, in each of us ‘’as children’’.

-it is divine  because it is through the truth and emotional response that wisdom joins with her husband intellect, that delivers the light in logic so the child is no longer knowledgeless, and is emotionally complete when expression is acknowledged for the emotional expression, who then the pleromas spiritual fullness meets the emotional needs of self.

We have to become the higher self in hearts thought process again in which to many, including myself at one time- was completely foreign language to my inner silence. To become this higher form in hearts thought process, takes us away from what we once were, the spiritual half breeds the original white people were. The genetic reprogramming three thousand years ago was the intelligent animals way of replacing the original human gene with its own. And colored or white, all people are programmed to react in certain ways- and we all do and this. This  will become obvious to you when you develop your higher self back into existence and begin to recognize the behaviors of the lower self, while thinking that was you and your higher self acting…

We are all manipulated through this last ditch effort for itself to collect as many souls as it can because it believes if it can do to you, what the physical pedophile does to the natural hearts thought process of the child, then it gets to keep you -but it will keep no one. A place has been enabled for the higher forms of education it will take to reprogram those ones committed to evil, because they believe darkness is light and that what is, isn’t- and that what isn’t, is. ‘’It is this’’ and not your evil Politian’s who enable evil to flourish in weaker countries, with weaker forces to battle and defeat. {cowards} you Americans are in a lot of trouble, where us Canadians need to act, but we wait patiently for what is promised to us in our movement and silence. You fucking Americans though believe that what you did and are still doing to the first nations people, is acceptable. You take this distorted mentality and invade other countries and slaughter the innocent to intimidate WHAT THEY ARE LABELING ‘’YOUR ENEMY’’…AND YOU BELIEVE THEM WHILE YOUR GUT IS SCREAMING AT YOU TO STOP THIS. This is the darkness infection ‘’in you’’ that enables your soldiers to go slaughter little children.

And there is only one way to accomplish that, and that is emotional pain and the inability to deny or self reject truth… know, like many are accomplishing that understanding right now, in the many ways people are suffering. Those are the ones who became accountable in front of him- and spoke directly into his eyes ‘’what was darkness in them’’.  And now they are inches away from the door that allows them in. You are not. You are many miles away, and if you don’t study self now, and become balanced determined self in your hearts thought process ‘’now’’ then you must be ready to accept your higher form of education…? That sounds pleasant doesn’t it?  But it is painful and emotional suffering awaits those who so easily deny and self reject their truth now. The emotional pain and its suffering ‘’will you not escape’’ then, if you do nothing now to learn and know self. This is promise. Both of you know what evil you calculated you hearts thought with, just as he and I knows mine. And we have forgotten many of the evils we took part in, but he didn’t forget, and cant forget.

But if you think this is a bad thing then know it is only a bad thing when you do nothing about what is darkness of your own hearts thought process, within you. When those ones spoke into his eyes, they told him and ‘’confessed to him in their silence’’ there in the middle place….. the horrible, despicable things they and their allied darkness and evil with him ‘’accomplished together’’. first in hearts thought {copulating spiritually or calculating hearts thought with the dark feminine of the evil spirit influence, and mistress wisdoms}and then the will of intent was formed in them, and through their human will, and then they acted. Impacting all those around them in that darkened evil intent making in them. Hurting many others, not knowing what that impact and hurt did to them, in the end result. And that is one of the  end result ‘’stem results’’ of the spiritual infection…’’not knowing’’ what with, and how we impact others. When your unresolved pain is near gone, then you will understand better- so get on those mediations and free yourself from that agony or, prepare yourselves to experiencing the real kind of agony in the next education of spiritual and emotional self.

The ones who do know however,  ‘’and do not care’’ those ones belong to a special form of education, where they wont and cant help but to feel very deeply ‘’in them’’ exactly what those others felt when the committed evil person acted with his dark feminine and harem of mistress wisdoms that caused all that harm.  Calculating hearts thought with the angry persons wisdom and then the mistress wisdoms is the adultery as written about in your bibles.

You don’t think so? No? What about that emotionally manipulated and sexually abused child, who grows into adult hood with those issues left unresolved? Do you think that person is in need of care and personal development to prevent the emotional programming to reproduce itself between now ‘’the adult’’ and another child? I know you do and that is ‘’how god sees us all’’ spiritually. We attack and abuse each others innocence, and call it stupid and embarrassing. Largely because of the pedophile machine yes, but even that intent made, to turn the media into the cunning deception of emotional manipulation of human truth and trust, leveraged by the fear of loss of something specific to emotional need, and its emotional safety, couldn’t impact any child with the balanced determined selves in the parents. Of skillful emotional acknowledgement skills, and the skillful management of the emotional self, within themselves, no evil can penetrate our human spiritual strength, so get spiritually strong {emotionally strong}  and defy him, and reject him and tell him to fuck off because he is weakass muthrfkr {when you are emotionally educated-and emotionally resolved} but if your not, then you are puppet to his influence.                 

Darkness, ‘’all darkness’’ spoken of by your understanding of the loving god of truth-who helps you discover these thighs, and wants to help self ‘’defeat’’ the spiritual pedophile ‘’as much as any loving parent would’’ if they found out their child was a victim of emotional targeting and emotional deceptions of human trust, between their child and an someone outside the family. Who may or may not be a physical pedophile manipulating the innocence in your child’s trust, and trusting nature because our media targets these things in you and your children, and it works. In the old days, no one did anything that was in the dark wisdoms, but in todays world we do. And think it is the way to live in darkened state of reality, and the tv is the main programmer of this in how drama and hollywood target your intellectual wisdom- as to get you to ‘’come up with the answer yourself’’ instead of them telling you what to think cognitively, you see? An example of this is when advertising entices your taste buds when selling hamburgers, they don’t say ‘’their delicious’’ but show your intellect ‘’they are delicious’’ and your wisdom kicks in as part of your living computer to say things of intellects wisdom about the hamburger. This in itself ‘’is the self’’ working with its own truth and seed, and then with intellectual wisdom to find the light in a logic that will conclude the knowing in the truth we are looking for. It is the algorithm of the hearts thought process. Another way is in tv drama like ncis… will say many times, just like orgasms…we defeat one terrorist cell, and the other ones will pop to take its place… and then leaves us with this to think about. They didn’t say no one can win the war on terrorism but ‘’the sentence targeted your wisdom’’ igniting your intellect to ask the question ‘’why’’. And wisdom then kicks into to explain the possibilities of ‘’why’’….so you yourself come up with the answer in silence of the knowing of truth, but left with it, and without direction in terms of how to operate it ‘’as part of the living computer’’ of the spiritual life within self.

When you yourself come up with that answer, that there is no way to win that war- you feel frightened and hopeless, and we better then give them more money and more permission to go kill their children and the rest of the innocents, because they might kill your children and the rest of your innocents… In this way you are emotionally puppeteered to get you to agree with war and death and slaughter and rape and other things of evil I don’t understand, so I stop here.

 People have also been programmed by ‘’his priests’’ to make you believe god is mad at you for what they are describing as sin, when ‘’there is only one sin’’ according to the Dead Sea Scrolls where some of this information comes from. {in its beginning} that sin is to lie. The first lie is easy, but maintaining the first lie is not, and requires the skills of the spiritual pedophile and his dark feminine element of his evil spirit influence to achieve the first lie. So go ahead and adulterate, without any attempt at personal development if you want to, you must know by now there is no death, just spiritual death. In which you wont be given up ‘’to easily bitches’’ so don’t worry if you think you are to evil to come back to the same place your seed was stolen from, to put into you.

But know horrible emotional experiences that educate you, just like the drunken Indian on the street now, who was originally a white person who hurt them, and erased their knowledge base from themselves. Who use to be a white guy in a past lifetime experience, abusing native people and their circumstance, and now he understands the impact he put onto and into other while calculating hearts thought with the other wisdom. Of which  the white person himself created for them to live inside of…now understands what that white persons impact had on the native person, because now that white person ‘’is an Indian’’, ‘’a drunken Indian’’. Who this spiritual half breed goes back to the middle place with his or her original skin color, as a white person trying hard to cleanse themselves internally, and spiritually, and emotionally.

But know this, stupid human of emotional and spiritual duality, ‘’I am’’ white fuck, just like them. So if your lower self wants to hunt them down and kill them, then hunt me down first, because that is your only hope, in that evil intent made ‘’within you’’. If not, I wager that I can teach more of them ‘’faster’’ than you can kill off the ones I teach. And besides, I have a surprise for you when you come, you like surprises don’t you?

Evil begins with the influences of self defeat, but its own hungers goal is what its mistress wisdoms is flooding a person with, in terms of  the knowing of the hungry flesh, and very hungry emotional heart of emptiness and nothingness, but still filled with the hope that cant leave you when you still want to keep breathing in the physical shell. operating from the  emotional darkness of self -‘’itself, the evil spirit influence created’’. In which you were attacked and then ‘’gang bang attacked’’ by hostile dark spiritual influences, that suggests you do this and that, to make safety. And to feed flesh when emotional emptied, and to get as much money and pussy as possible. Then no one will think I’m this or that, and I will be safe in my self worth levels…because I will become impenetrable to judgment igniting or, threatening to reignite the old stem result feeling of unresolved rejection. In which self feels the ridicule and embarrassment and humiliation of rejection now, just in thought of self expression, and is locked in that prison of auto reaction of the frightened manipulated caged animal instinct to survive emotionally, and through low self worth.

Never to self express the inner most emotional truth of the living higher natural spiritual and emotional self, because our world tells you that this life source ‘’is not light’’, it is death- and they reinforce its death quality in the media and convince you that what is, isn’t -and that what isn’t, is… And they then win you, but for educational purposes only. When it comes time, and there is no one left to teach and re-educate, and the committed evil are left there ‘’by themselves’’ then god will come to sort those ones out, but until then, they do have free rain over you. And will succeed in dragging you with them {not your children, we have already taken those ones from you} if you do not strengthen yourselves now.

It is here where he intercepts the higher self in hearts thought process, and self becomes the lower self dominance as the result because his goal is to live through the distorted human will. And feel the things the committed evil persons feels, as he and she acts in that evil…thought derived from the dark feminine presence, and dominance of presence over the natural first wisdom of the good will destroy you while you are thinking ‘’this is good’’. Achieving something that enables them to live in this last realm for them to exist…the ability to remove human will from the function of the physical frontal lobe, and become the human will, but does accomplish this spiritual hijacking the same way, and same methods, and same tools, and tool box of the physical pedophile’s. Who must first use the cunning deceits of emotional manipulations of human truth and trust, leveraged by multiple fears of losses, and embraced by irresolvable, heart pounding fear. Conquering then the will of the human being the same way physical pedophile conquers the will of the young child. Now ready and willing to surrender human will over to the emotionally dark influence, and willfully remove that which is the obstacle to the ‘’spiritual’’ pedophile. Which is movements emotional truth and the wisdom to calculate it into a higher form in knowing, through the tipple male internal, when  self is educated to do so.


The pedophile knows to get the child to come up with its own answers of ‘’safety need’’ –and in that heart pounding moment, the pedophile speaks nothing of its manipulations and exploitations directly into the  logic of the child. But speaks indirectly to the intellectual wisdom of the unknowing knowledgeless child because the physical pedophile knows how, and who we listen to through silence, to our intellectual wisdom of the emotional self, which is the Christ censoriousness of intellectual wisdom of the emotional self. Who through silence and movement, this self calculating spirt of knowing speaks- and we hear the silence ‘’in our spirutal ear’’ and follow through our trust for this knowing and communication- in and through knowing. So physical pedophile speaks indirect things to the self calculating spirit of Christ consciousness/intellectual emotional wisdom, in the child -but based in the knowledge base of the emotional self, which takes years of experience to learn, both the hard way and -the easy way. And the child is defeated through its natural trust this way of the hijacking of spiritual knowing, and the hacking of living computer, and its infection quality it leaves the human self in. In its algorithmic change in hearts thought processing the knowledge of the unique, living, higher, natural, spiritual self, in symbiotic relationship with life source, sourcing self the knowledge of self, who self develops the knowledge base of self throughout life, as the result, through the wisdom of goodness naturally when left alone. Who we are not left alone either internally or  environmentally, inside the created Darwinian god worship of fear of loss survival need, and money and greed and all things evil to acquire what the other person has. The things in your manipulated hearts that says you better steal away from someone else, through manipulated trust… is ego and ego is the masculine element of the dark feminine, it calculates hearts thought with. Truth and goodness says to share, and evil influences Darwinian god worship stays the opposite and justifies betrayal of trust {the holy spirit violation} and you force feed yourselves to believe that over what is screaming at you, what your silence says to you in that silence to stay away from. Because she and her husband and her son and his wife, want to help us earn a seed of our own, so we have one when they take back their the stolen one, to see what we have earned in terms of receiving this seed of life in movement. The first female influence and the divine one-who wants to attach themselves to that female again?

But when you complete yourself by following his map, path and plan of reprogramming self worth levels and communication skills - then our darkness element becomes the same light as the sacred feminine. And we have more knowledge in beauty than the spiritual purebred who will ask to be taught ‘’what we know’’ when we are clear in understanding ourselves. In both spiritual influences because both make the persons end result. The end result can be absolutely beautiful when you reprogram yourself emotionally- which is only done alone and in silence with silence itself, and no one else. But, the quality of life you will receive when you speak out loud these things of your emotional darkness, will be something for you that you have been waiting for ‘’patiently’’ all your life, but was unknowing of what it was you were waiting for- in the first place.

Some will be confused so ill say you ‘’you must cleanse self in hearts thought process first’’ for this to work. Which will be much like the whites and Indians when the time comes…when the whites understand their true origin, and what really waits for them in terms of mother and father and grandmother and grandfather, brother and sister-hoping you and I have ‘’a cleansed hearts thought process’’- when at that time. And for those who fail the moment because nothing was done in personal development for years, we arrive in his middle place, of its ‘’weigh station’’ and ‘’need evaluation’’. But when we don’t accomplish the return from self destructive reactionary programming of self protection, we come back into another human life {different persona and different person according to what was discovered when in the middle place} and try to remain clean in our reactions to the emotional moment. First nation’s people will take what the whites have done to them in terms of almost complete spiritual rape and continuous ongoing never ending spiritual pedophilia that severs, to keep them deadened spiritually….They will remove hate from them selves and help their crippled spiritual lepers in their white brothers and sisters. {that’s  why whites, without knowing -slaughtered them and continue to hate them, because of this specific threat, but as you know by now, certainly-it is impossible to annihilate the Indians { a friend once said it is a good thing buddy didn’t discover the first nations person in Turkey, because then we would be calling native people turkeys.} They will take the memories of your physical rapes and physical tortures and emotional and psychological deadening, and they will just do ‘’what is natural to the direct descendant’’. They will give all that hurt and suppression anxiety and give it to the spirit in their heart. And look into that light and help the blackened, deadened white fuck like me. Not because I said so, or god or anything like that ‘’said so’’…. but because of a different reason, of what is in their hearts thought process then and now- in which could not be removed when they tried to take the Indian out of the Indian.

In the past when this kind of strength or any kind of spiritual strength birthed itself in the person, and evil intent had no way of defeating light in the moment with their evil… they very simply waited until the old guard dies out, to then squash the knowing in the next generation, who they patiently wait for- to spiritually and emotionally and psychologically molest, rape and pedophile the hearts thought of the living higher self. Killing that entity off, so the lower self dominance will emerge from you instead, because if you kept the spirit and the knowing, you would be rounded up like the first nations people were, and the other colored people were…and raped spiritually, and pedophiled spiritually, and molested spiritually- until you to were in a spiritual deadened state of being.

Genocide is impossible in todays world. No one can erase a person- or a race of people. When the evil disguised as your friend realized this, he took the Indian and tried to remove the Indian in him and her, in their early childhood and it was effective.  But because they lacked in themselves what they failed to see in the hearts thought process of the Indian, they missed removing this one element of knowing from them…and those dirty bastard… ‘’fatherless bastard muthrfkrs’’ will glorify one day what they tried to kill off, and still they will be forgiven by the native person because they and g0od have the same hearts thought process when after they obey their silence and truth.

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