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                 Full Book 
The interpretations of his secret sayings.

Jesus and the Keys of Knowledge

We hope to show you things about you {spirit} and your living computer {body} that houses you in spirit, that houses your spiritual children born to the masculine and feminine elements of the spiritual self who first the spiritual daughter is born we know as our emotional truth. Born in purity form, born from the ''life source'' in the immaculate conception of spiritual life given to the physical soul of the human being. Now equipped with the spirit of life attached to that soul- the uniqueness element in the body will take that purity and feel itself into existence of knowing one's own self from each new emotional experience. Which then the spiritual son is born to the cognitive masculine mind, where emotional truth is first understood in depth to understand enough knowledge in the moment to form the intent and formulate the behavioral applications associated with what the inner self believes will achieve the positive outcome of the goal in the end result goal and when the christ consciousness ness in mother and father form given to the inner self in what was given also to the incomplete god that completed himself and now worships life in his heart which is the real form of this church to love and respects life and be of any service needed to serve others in meaningful ways.  which is something humanity would actually do if it wasn't for the money belief of the colorful piece of paper enslaving all your energy corrupting many to turn against its own goodness element of their natural higher selves when hopefully in the new time, the slave tool of absolute control over a person energy and where they focus it will be gone as a sickness machine.


 and intercepts the natural growth and its process of learning the inner self of uniqueness with a special kind of intellect there to join with and become one with emotional wisdom of the good who is allowing the direct connect to empathize trust making ability between two people -.

And who projects its spirit through human behavior of our intent making. But what you didn’t know about your own emotional and ‘’its spiritual nature’’ is that….

 People, ‘’all people’’ have one intellect and two pearls of wisdom…with each wisdom wanting to interact and calculate/copulate heart thought with our intellect, one of the masculine spiritual elements of human beings. This other wisdom is the other woman written about and explained in your Bible.  But know, the definition of the human being really only equates into one understanding of the first behavior in a human being, and that is to calculate intellect with one of the two human wisdoms of intent making, inside hearts thought process. The wisdom of the good given to self in a knowledge received from the self-calculating spirit of truth and truths knowledge, who produces and understands the emotional self, is the first wisdom resulting in the wisdom of knowing the emotional structure of self, through the depth of knowing self in a wisdom of truth, knowing then a wisdom of empathy of, and for others. Empathy connects people through trust. The spirit of trust is the only element in any realm of its existence in existence that connects two people ‘’as one’’ and oneness together.

 And the other wisdom, of a self-calculating nature in opposite of the first, who hijacks the wavelength of truths element, and assumes the self as itself, through this element in opposite nature of the first, but using the first to implement its own…in its process of spiritual infection making that alters intent making, from an altered heart's thought process.   it is the angry person's wisdom given to self as the result of emotional pain, and that pain being left unresolved does this ‘’other wisdom’’ appear. As dark spiritual influence of knowledge birthing element in opposite of the first, left for the self of the knowledgeless child to discover from, and act on. This is humanities programming element of spiritual being, existing in a world with two influential wisdoms to relate with internal, as spiritual influence. But it doesn’t look that way to us in early childhood and now.

Manipulated truth of the living higher self is exploited in early childhood, and self is led away from the total understanding and nature of life’s movement element.  The new wisdom, the invading and infecting one, needs and wants… and ‘’desperately wants and needs’’… to spiritually copulate or, ‘’calculate hearts thought’’ of defeated self worth, ‘’with your intellect’’, with its influence of ‘’the angry person's wisdom’’ and no longer the one of life and its innocence felt in its self expression. With the one masculine element each of us has, and who both wisdoms need for our intellect to choose its element, and nature, and adapt that into the nature of self, in its manifestation element of ‘’result making’’ because it knows that result turns immediately into intent making for the person to act from the intercepted hearts thought in the moment.

Empathies wisdom says to understand the other person. The angry person's wisdom manifests from anger into contempt making and hatred making for the other person. Both wisdoms produces or births the result of the interaction between intellect and one of the two wisdom of empathy, or the wisdom of anger when empathy is turned and focused inwardly towards the unresolved and selfish. This is the spiritual infection intercepted through the emotional structure of the uneducated human being/early child. And who then suffers what that wisdom tells us we need to do to become and feel whole again- the first manipulated and exploited lie that says to fear the truth, and to evade and avoid it, and to lie through it. It only feels like the one here to save the child from its potential pain coming but its pulse is a fake and only pretending to protect and like you. The enemy within looks feels and smells like a friend, but it is an enemy to human beings because what you don’t know, it has nowhere else to exist other than in the human being. Just as truth exists- evil exists but it looks ‘’not evil at all’’ when in early childhood and you heard in your hearts ear that it is safer to lie and safer to deceive rather than to show your innermost emotional truth of the higher living self.

And because the young child you once were, didn’t know how to deal the spiritual traumas of rejection, that invites the enemy in ‘’as spiritual influence’’ influencing the lower self, you accepted this voice now known as the ego's voice, hoping to become lower self dominant over the natural higher self we are born as. In whatever form you felt rejection of self expression in- in your once young, ‘’raw and programmable child’’ allowed the first lie to save itself from the potential of further rejections/spiritual trauma coming. To a young child the opposite of acknowledgment is the trauma, {ask any one of them if they would rather have experienced the acknowledgment model of being parented, ask yourself if you needed the acknowledgment model of being parented over the rejection model of being parented.} This is when the other wisdom intercepted and received your truth and turned the first idea of truth telling, into ‘’lying and deception manipulation’’. And you ‘’like all people’’ have developed a behavioral algorithm of emotional darkness because of this ‘’self protection identification of self’’ you present into the world.

 {this is how evil enters the child in the purity of emotional innocence and the child accepts because the child is alone. The child is alone because the rejection is coming from the same one the child needed acknowledgment from. So as to avoid this emotional trauma from the self expression of the innermost emotional truth of the living higher self, when the child is influenced by the lie, sees how the lie saves itself from spiritual or ‘’emotional trauma’’ of rejection, and begins to see the lie as savior- and no longer the silence element, you see?}

Who the young self believes the lie as savior now, and programs an emotional reaction in self protection of the innermost emotional self..the child feels safe from feeling unending emotional turmoil in questioning self after the  experience of emotional rejection, and without the answers being there because the early child you once were ‘’knew nothing’’ in how to reach, and receive from mom and dad ‘’acknowledgment’’ instead of the rejection. They were ‘’programmed’’ to feed your young self rejection by their own early childhood emotional programming. So the early child lies and feels safer with the lie than the truth that lives breaths and exists ‘’as self’’ internal. And now- ‘’duality in hearts thought process’’ possesses the early child. Who now grows with that emotional programming of emotional light and darkness of self, to think and act and project the spiritual nature of the emotional self, who is now in dual understanding of self, in low and ‘’normal level’’ of self worth. That which all thought in consideration weighs itself against internal before we act and relate with each other. Before a person acts, needs the fuel of inspiration and inspiration comes from a healthy normal level of self worth but rejection of the early emotional self destroys self worth in a child-destroying then the fuel itself. {keep reading, we found a way to remove unresolved pain so a person can start all over and redevelop normal levels of self worth again.}

The Christ consciousness is in us all. It is the difference from robotic thought process and heart's thought process that determines the uniqueness quality of the human self. But when spiritually separated, and the other wisdom introduces herself… because she is a foreign object to the natural order of things in hearts thought understating and its process, and understanding self as the result, who that other wisdom can’t allow the wisdom of the good to remain in the child, otherwise the invading influence dies. When after the separation of this wisdom in knowing self, and the goodness element of self begins to slowly disappear… ‘’self gets robbed’’  in early childhood this way- and ‘’takes with’’ into adulthood now ‘’an emotional duality’’ that translates itself into our spiritual natures of duality, of emotional light and darkness internal.

Ages zero to five are the emotional and ‘’self worth programming years’’ of human being. Changing the emotional programming changes levels in self worth from the rejection model of being parented, causing our own wisdom of the good to become separated from our intellect, and the other wisdom in hearts thought calculations of lower self takes over as our intellects wisdom. But this is where in our hearts thought is intercepted and delivered as knowledge base of our own special brand ‘’the cunning deception of emotional manipulation of human trust’’. Which results in installing an emotional program of reaction of ‘’emotional self protection’’ to the family environment, instead of the natural self expression of the innermost emotional truth of the natural higher self, where trust is supposed to thrive but can't with the unresolved emotional infections from that other wisdom. Inside self, hoping to reproduce itself as low self worth in a person's new ideas and aspirations! {the spiritual family and family dynamic is what is life in truth in invisible nonphysical knowing newness and the ideas birthed-this is symbolized as child and children in your bibles}

In this way, the natural loving mom and dad {the physical family}are not the nurturers, but ‘’the infection bringers’’ to reproduce a spiritual death in the slow and ‘’agonizing emotional deadening’’ every child experiences. The infection of spiritual self needs to live and thrive in a human being of ‘’now an altered state of hearts thought process’’. And one that is self defeating and then, therefore,’’ self destructive’’ and in desperate need of distraction from what is left unresolved now in the hands of the other wisdom… attaching itself to your intellect as a child...

Taking self from the original and natural self expressive self in the innocence of realizing something brand new, to then react to, in and through the inspiration fuel of that joy and excitement of knowing the newness of something, in the moment. This is replaced by distraction seeking and achieving the distraction and developing ‘’a huger need’’ for more of the element of distraction, who the self is understood now through the lower self seeking now to become dominant over the natural higher self ‘’of normal level of self worth’’ ‘’to interact with internally’’ and silently from unresolved emotional self…And then, of course, is‘’ innocence lost’’ in determining the self actualized self and feeling good about that. ’’. Addiction doesn’t begin in jr high, it begins in this moment, of the five year old who when in unresolved emotional pain, and with nowhere to go to, and ‘’no one’’ to go to, because this pain comes from who the child needs acknowledge from… ‘’found a cookie’’, realized its magic in ‘’forgetting for a while’’ what that unresolved emotional pain feels like ‘’distracted’’ by the taste and feel and shape of the cookie. Realizing then the distraction quality of the physical element, who to the inner child, this substance becomes to itself ‘’that which destroys unresolved emotional pain’’ …and went back for more when the pain came back, when after the distraction quality of the substance wore off…This is where spiritual or ‘’emotional hunger’’, and ‘’hunger for distraction quality of human being’’ came from. Not for food, but what we all are addicted to, and that  is the ‘’instant gratification’’ quality of whatever it is that distracts self from your/our unresolved pain. Back then, still unresolved now- along with more unresolved pain to deal with earned along the way from ‘’that one moment’’ of spiritual transformation into duality of spiritual nature.

Now we are all are turned into ‘’two different’’ hearts thought processes in opposite of each other, processing first now low self worth in hearts thought of self expression before the words of self expression are spoken. And in most circumstances, this possession/spiritual and emotional prison of the hearts thought process becomes the lower self dominance element we hear so much of, and identify within our own hearts thought internal. This other wisdom that enables lower self dominance to occur, which is the spiritual infection, this influential element speaks not of truth as her wisdom offered to self, that ignites emotional response, but produces fear of emotional self as ‘’her influence’’. To combat and defeat us emotionally because it knows ‘’what the person really needs’’ and that is acknowledgment of inner emotional truth of the self –whom she dominates the hearts thought process by doing this to us, by changing our intent making of natural acknowledgment of the inner self, into rejection of the inner self, and installs then its own algorithm of human being. This dark feminine element of wanting to be the wisdom {birthing element of emotional knowing} of our intent making, must become the wisdom of our intellect if it wants to exist. But still can't possess the child’s being until it completely disrobes the self worth element in hearts thought of self, which is done in early childhood, the programming years of knowing self. And this ‘’infection influence’’ influencing ‘’hating to know self, and self rejection’’… -  {happened to each one of us}  installs the emotional programming of feeling ridicule embarrassment and the all powerful ‘’humiliation’’ elements to speak to the hearts thought process as the result of feeling inspired when ‘’thinking of the natural  self expression’’ of the ‘’natural to human spirit’’ inspiration of the innermost, ‘’emotional truth of the living, higher, natural- emotional/spiritual self’’. And those stem result negative emotions begin to dominate and soon consumes the normal self worth speech pattern of natural self talk of the interaction relationship self has with the spirit of life. And replaces self worth through this method of slow and painful possession of hearts thought process, and it's encouraged and enabled ‘’negative self talk’’ soon seeps into that natural speech pattern ‘’in silence’’ who is life source ‘’sourcing self with the knowledge of self’’.  Speaks to self as ‘’self recognized emotional self’’ in the normal and natural level of self worth. ‘’Becoming naturally’’ a self actualized god self this way…. but is robbed of us in early childhood through the interception years of our human existence, forced to live in an emotionally deadened state of spiritual being.

It is the true possession of the real maker of evil in its infancy-many have asked ‘’if children are born pure, then when does evil enter them?’’ Well, this is how, all manifestations of anything need a birthplace, don’t they?-it found a birthplace in Hitler and my parents, just different levels of evil intent making. But all it can do is influence through the distortion manipulations of its influence. It cant touch us physically and it is not what we see on tv. But it is powerful influence influencing instant gratification once possessed in hearts thought process through the interception- Root cutting and enchantment is cutting the root of truth to be further influenced in the cunning deceit of emotional manipulation of human trust {enchantment}. The tools and toolbox the lower self dominance because it is first performed on self in early childhood, and any emotional programming ‘’reproduces itself’’ in hearts thought process because a person must treat to its knowledge base of knowing self. The acknowledgment model of being parented destroys all of this. Becoming the balanced determined self establishes a person qualified to acknowledge instead of making the invitation to this exterior opposite spiritual influence invited in through the rejection model of being parented. When you reject child you invite evil in to become the child's influence, and then become its dominant influence and the child is lost in adulthood in many different ways, yes?

Everyone is recalling ‘’in memory retrieval’’ these spiritual traumas of emotional rejection to be presented in the now- between each other. And that is why we don’t even look at each other when we are walking down the street. But you won’t feel that way when after you do those self healing meditations. And when you see them then, those same people…you wouldn’t look at before and they wouldn’t you, it will a completely different ‘’uncomfortable’’. You will be like me, wanting to share with everyone! But not able to because personal development and the god of understanding is ‘’self sought’’ and not shoved down their throats.

 The meditations, and learning how to ‘’become again’’ the skillful management of the emotional self,  reboots human spirit back to its original out of box {moms tummy} condition where then you can rewrite your emotional programming to re-establish connection back to the natural self worth levels of the higher self. This is absolutely real!

The early child you and I, and all people use to be, is now spiritually converted child/adult because we are stuck at the emotional age of interception and spiritual defilement, and of its result in low self worth to relate back to, in any given moment of new experience. And is done so through the emotional entrance and emotional infection of low self worth, but its spiritual conversion establishing now a duality in hearts thought process because now there is a duality in wisdom. So any person can simply change wisdoms right? No, not without the emotional ‘’reprogramming’’ that needs to be done, and those self healing meditations will do this for you when you make ‘’commitments to personal development’’. The body, in its cells, holds the memory of emotional truth felt throughout life, it is the root of wisdom's access to help self understand self on an ongoing ‘’emotionally evolving’’ basis.

And holds memory of the self protection behavior ALSO, self used to defeat a personal acknowledgment in silence ‘’of that low self worth’’, who we guard against this internal acknowledgment of self defeat-so we push away, and distract, and evade, and avoid….this internal acknowledgment of nothingness. But it is this emotional memory retrieval that is brought into the emotional moment in the now, making self afraid of potential losses in self worth in the now. So we push away, and distract, and evade, and avoid those in the now. Who are not presenting the same danger self is afraid of happening again, but self is afraid of the same thing happening because that is what the fear element of the dark wisdom does, and emotionally programs self with, which is fear of emotional response.   This is its programming element that separates us from that trust connection internal, and then separates self from others and is the reprogramming needed.

 Re-learning the language of silence of the self calculating spirt again, translated through ‘’the emotional truth of the living higher self’’, logic- wisdom, and intellect and learni9ng the balanced determined self-will save you from this monster of monsters. One births knowledge of self, and the other one finds meaning ‘’in depth’’ of self, who self takes from, and self expresses naturally again. And finally you can have your original wisdom back and rid yourself of the spiritual infection, that is to the point now of ‘’being drenched’’ in our own spiritual or emotional darkness that produces a low self worth to think through ‘’to end results’’ of defeat and ‘’longings’’ regeneration into hunger.

In the end result of interception of an evil thing that came ‘’into us’’ through.. {you won't believe it}…but has nothing to do with physical sex, at all!

’’The god’’ your uniqueness believes in, and that place your hearts thought understands as the place you want to end up when your living computer/body dies and rots back into the earth from which it came- has one condition for reentry. And it is not anything to do with punishment, but education. Hearts thought emotional darkness is infection here, ‘’and there’’. Hearts thought darkness that has its own process and its own result in the opposite of light and the good and can't be allowed into infect his perfect realm of light, with our emotional darkness. We know this makes perfect sense to you now, or eventually. But what you can’t understand is why, and if you want to, then read the book, it is explained. Basically, though it means god understands the other wisdom and its infection, and its result. But also understand us too, and how our silence tries to speak the wisdom of good intent making to us, but we become too afraid to even view the truth of the self anymore. Because of the obstacles presented by the spiritual infection and his helpers of the pedophile machine/tv, and the committed ‘’spiritual pedophiles/emotional manipulators of cunning deceit intent, of human truth and trust- that control it. Recognized by ‘’his hearts eye’’-- ‘’that all of us’’ as adults, from this kind of early childhood programming, results in the same circumstance for us as adults- that the child experience with the physical pedophile. Who must convince the child to remove his/her will through the cunning deception of emotional truth and trust of the living higher self transformed into the lower self dominance, through this ‘’other wisdom’’ element of spiritual death. He, the other wisdom ‘’is spiritual pedophile’’ and god and Jesus knows it. He is in your heart's thought process and in mine, deceiving us both and convincing us through deception to remove the human will of truth, and surrender self to the whim of he who needs permission to act through the human being. But he doesn’t ask directly. He asks like the physical pedophile requires and receives permission, through the cunning deception of emotional manipulation of human trust, and then the child surrenders human will, fearing what the physical pedophile installs as a hearts thought fear of potential loss emotional program to act from. And then pedophile comes into save the child from that fear, that doesn’t exist. The same algorithm of human adult is being performed on all of us internal. And until self realigns and rids self of this dragon viper of dark spiritual influence influencing self rejection and hunger and self destruction and relationship destruction and fear and hate fueling all of this… then you are either the purity of evil in your intent making and in alliance with the other wisdom, or you are in alliance with him without your permission, meaning you are being puppeteered by its influence. This is evident when you believe that what is ‘’isn’t’’ and what isn’t, ‘’is’’. An example of this in you is- alcohol and tobacco vs illegal drugs. The dealer and muscle for the dealer wear different clothing but it is the same behavior of drug dealing of a psychoactive substance. Muscle for the heroin dealer on the street protects dealer when the heroin junkie gets out of line. Alcohol and tobacco both have a dealer and muscle for the dealer yes…no?  

To then have a difficult time explaining to the powers that be why your spiritual infection, if left unchecked-  be allowed in his realm to infect his already perfect realm of light with our emotional darkness’s, that translates itself into spiritual darkness’s. ‘’And as we all know’’ darkness is an invitation for the purity of evil ‘’to come into’’ hearts thought process {the how finally makes sense} in to ‘’speak to the human will’’ with its influence. Emotional darkness rearranges how self reacts to our infected emotional moment ‘’in the now’’ accessing our memories of unresolved pain from feeling left alone and feeling the incomprehension of feeling unloved… when in hearts thought of self expression in the now.

When you say to your self, yes I'm going back to god/truth of the self, and mean it! meaning in your silence and what seems like someone else’s permission/invitation to you, enter back into your oneness again, and you want to remain there because your quicker to understand than others-there will be still the obstacles of those still left unresolved and drenched in their own spiritual natures of duality of emotional light and darkness-so beware and be careful.

 And when another person drenched in the seduction of their other wisdom, and who has ‘’gone there’’ with that darkness and became one with that wisdom, says to you to come with me, say no and stop! I won't enter into that wisdom with you –because I do not do it in myself anymore. Your strength will penetrate the other spirit's demeanor and conquer its intent making to bring you back into low self worth again- to puppeteer you. When their wisdom tells them to apply the toxic guilt manipulations ‘’leave that person’’ toxic guilt manipulation tactic is powerful influence. And if that person is angry ‘’run’’ if you have to. Not because they will physically hurt you, but simply ‘’it is separation time between the god of truth and life and compassions love, and those who love evils spiritual death element more than the spiritual life element from the stolen seed {spiritual seed}. Shit, I could build a good movie from that one alone. All people are on ‘’auto forgiveness’’ and it doesn’t matter what you have done while pedophiled in your hearts thought of yourself because you have become dedicated to truth and yourself again and you persist in personal development and have become relentless in developing self into the balanced determined self. If you didn’t and don’t want to, know this stupid human. He changed his mind. He isn’t letting the spiritual pedophile keep anyone. There will be different levels of heaven for them than what is intended for you but know you all will end up in one place soon after that to see if your bragged about and boasted balanced determined self is full of shit, or not.

 And he is waiting to see what people will do with this kindergarten understanding of self. The rest for you and me, is the same thing. Everything I think in the first human behavior, inside hearts thought process and the wisdom chosen to calculate hearts thought with, ill know is the difference between my emotional light in the end result or my emotional darkness. One is invited in, and the other is sent back for more education and the education is learning reaction to emotional pain as the balanced determined self. When a person learns this and becomes the new/old emotional programming, then we are handed our apprenticeship papers and introduced to the ‘’next level of heaven’’, where there is no emotional darkness controlling anyone there.

Its potentials in evil becoming you is real, in the first human behavior, in hearts thought process, before you and act into the secondary human behavior… which is ‘’acting out’’ hearts thought after the experience is processed through our self worth… and understood and ready to be acted on its formulated behavior of intent making…. then projects the spirit and spiritual nature calculated from one of the wisdom inside the human heart of thought process through that secondary behavior, projecting then the spirit and spiritual nature of the self and the chosen wisdom. One wisdom leaves another person feeling respected and even loved without saying the words. The other wisdom leaves the other person feeling hated and disrespected.

I want you to know me a little bit. I as an early child suffered through all the abuses including rejection of my spoken word of living truth. Physical, emotional and psychological, and sexual abuse. This resulted in three fulltime years in the back ally as a homeless, full time junkie,  ‘’a walking dead person’’- in zombie-like state of existence. Inside my spiritual and emotional death fueled constantly by low self worth.

Countless recovery centers in rehab, and ‘’I found nothing’’ that healed my pain. I mean, how you can heal that which causes addiction to the instant gratification addiction element ‘’of addictions to substance and self protection behavior, without healing the pain that causes addiction?

Behavioral addiction to self protection behavior causes the same result in the distortions in brain chemical release as does the substance, which is the real impairment-the buzz is the distraction element. But the brain chemical release distortion of the disease element of addiction to substance, is the same distortion when compared to addictions to behavioral self protection.

Knowing self is the only way to heal unresolved pain. But there are components to ‘’knowing self’’ and are needed to know self. When you heal yourself through those dedications to morning ‘’self healing’’ meditations, and knowing hearts thought process, and when and how and who and where  and when hearts thought of the natural higher self- still in you because the God of truth and life said so, is intercepted by the lower self dominance, and knowing ‘’it isn’t self’’ but an influence ‘’trying to assume itself, ‘’as self’’. Just like the god of truth and the good wants to....... ‘’again’’…. and convince you as a child that lower self is better than higher self. Then self can ‘’intercept the interception’’ before it can strike like the viper, ‘’the dragon’’ it is. In invisible, nonphysical ‘’dark spiritual influence’’ influencing the knowledgeless child we all use to be, and still are emotionally because of the influence and its infection still present and infecting and turning hearts thought process into hate and fear.

 It is emotional darkness of self worth first ‘’because it has to be’’ to convince us to accept its escape from pain scenario ‘’itself’’ sets up for the child to become afraid of, of the natural innocence of self expression.  Leaving the child to react to this first experience in the opposite nature of spiritual influence, who seeks then as automatic ‘’reaction result’’- ‘’seeking then a savior’’ from the fear this internal spiritual pedophile commits to each one of us, in our hearts thought of self. no dogma just strait up education and no money will be asked of you ‘’ever’’, for any reason. It took a group of us seven years to decipher this key of knowledge, in which there are more but you/we can’t understand them until we gain an understanding of self. This was told to his students and we have not received the other keys yet from him, not one of us.

Because knowing the map of human being is different from its practice, and emotional reprogramming takes time and practicing the balanced determined self takes time to learn and slowly reprogram reaction to emotional response. ‘’Your pain is gone’’!! When you do your meditations, but your happiness and fulfillment and completeness and absolute spiritual and emotional contentment from these doesn’t happen by itself. The self must ‘’create brand new emotional experiences’’ for self to experience, to then submit as replacement memory retrieval for the sub conscious to bring forward in the now, which is its mechanical function that enables the living computer when in a new experience in the now. The spiritual pedophile isn’t puppeteering you like before, but it is still a thing to go through and is harder for some than others to achieve this.

Ps Indians already know all this in their hearts thought of themselves, and in you and me. And when the time comes, they will help you.  The problem isn’t in our population but in our duality. If we can realign back into oneness it will be easy to see ‘’seven billion is on purpose’’ and I wonder how many she can physically birth, and rebirth for. {the earth's production of what she provides} And I wonder how they will proceed, in and through which wisdom will they choose?

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